
Kaleen Laser Dental & Facial Aesthetics

Fotona® Choose Perfection

In the last ten years, dentistry has triumphed in many frontiers such as Conebeam CT, CAD-CAM, sleep medicine and laser dentistry. Thanks to the advance in computer technologies and the forward thinking of dentists worldwide asking more for their profession and patients. KDC&FA has come on board of this fast-moving train and continues to evolve, serving the best to its patients. Diode soft tissue lasers has been in use and become an inseparable part at KDC&FA since 2009. In late 2015, KDC&FA installed its first hard and soft tissue laser, LightWalker® ATS by Fotona.



Fotona® was established in 1964 in the same year laser was invented and has remained at the forefront of laser development ever since. Its commitments to continued support, research and collaboration with numerous universities around the world keep Fotona® on top of its game. Choosing the best for patients has always been the policy of Kaleen Laser Dental & Facial Aesthetics – KLD&FA.

LightWalker ®

Fotona® was established in 1964 in the same year laser was invented
and has remained at the forefront of laser development ever since.


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Fotona made its first dental laser in 1993,
the only dental laser in the world that has two wavelengths allowing efficient workflow in both hard and soft tissues.


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The incorporation of aesthetic handpieces in the LightWalker ATS was developed in line with world’s modern cosmetic dentistry requirement.


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What is LightWalker® ATS

Fotona® made its first dental laser in 1993, the only dental laser in the world that has two wavelengths. It allows efficient workflow in both hard and soft tissues.

Across all disciplines of dentistry, LightWalker ATS® is very capable if not better in performance and results.

There are over 80 procedures it can perform:

  • Restorative dentistry with no post-op sensitivity
  • Famous Twinlight® in periodontal treatment
  • Multiple applications in orthodontics
  • PIPS for endodontic 3-D cleaning of the canal systems
  • Oral surgery
  • Oral pathology
  • Implantology
  • Teeth whitening

Meet your Dentists


Dr Linh Nguyen

Principal Dentist


Dr Linda Vo



Dr Kim Nguyen


Some tools we use

For your comfort, we use the latest in laser and dental technology. Your dentists have followed the latest trainings to be on top of the tools we use

About our company

Inforamtion Section

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Before After

Health Happiness Confidence

We are here to help providing you, and your family, with the best possible dental & facial aesthetics care.

Your new smile says a thousand words.

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